Babble Health

Making the wellbeing of your employees a priority

Having a stressful job seems like the norm these days. Often, when we’re asked how we are, our first thoughts are “stressed” and usually, a large part of that stress can be from work.

But what impact is this having on our mental health? And what impact is it having on our engagement and productivity when we’re at work?

Studies suggest that around a third of the UK workforce experience stress at work, and if this is left unchecked, then the consequences to businesses could be significant.

Therefore, looking after your employee’s mental health is an important part of your overall staff wellbeing policy. Perhaps in today’s climate too, it’s now more important than ever to consider the mental health and wellbeing of employees, including tackling the root cause of stress at work.

With a culture of competitiveness, expectations of long working hours and unrealistic workloads can all contribute to stress and poor mental health.

It’s vital to encourage an open door policy to employees who wish to raise problems and issues

This will help all employees feel happier and appreciative of having their opinion and voice valued. In turn, this can lead to better productivity and staff happiness scores.

In today’s world, where employees are seeking out the best employers as well as the other way around, having a reputation for a happy, valued and satisfied workforce could also help you attract the best candidates.

Here’s our tips on fostering the right environment to support employee mental wellbeing…

For more on this and how Babble Health can help your organisation, get in touch here to set up a call

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