Babble Health

Selenium and Omega 3 rich Fish Pie topped with Sweet Potato

Sue Bedford (MSc Nutritional Therapy)

Fish is a great source of selenium and there is plenty of it in this pie! Selenium is a trace mineral with antioxidant properties and is part of a range of enzymes (Selenoproteins) that helps in the prevention of cellular damage caused by free radicals. The most well-known is glutathione peroxidase which helps to protect cell membranes and improves their overall function. It is important to fertility because it prevents oxidation and DNA damage in the egg. It is important in oogenesis and spermatogenesis (egg and sperm production). In studies men with low sperm counts have been found to have low levels of selenium. Increasing selenium levels may lead to improved sperm motility. A low selenium status has been tied to low birth weight babies and preeclampsia, which is high blood pressure during pregnancy. It is important for healthy functioning of the thyroid gland.

Salmon is a great source of omega 3. We cannot make omega 3 fatty acids in the body (EPA & DHA), instead we need to obtain them through our diet. They are so important in our bodies for a variety of reasons including brain health (to help in the prevention of memory loss and Alzheimer’s disease), cell membranes, skin, hair, preventing fatigue, fertility, during the menopause to name a few! The problem is that due to the western diet many people are very deficient. The ratio of omega 3:6 should be roughly 1:1 but due to fast food, ready meals, lack of wholefoods, and fresh fruit and vegetables- the dominance of omega 6 to 3 is between 10:1 to 25:1. This imbalance is leading to inflammation and associated diseases.

Fish Pie


600g fresh fish pie mix

8oz of king prawns

3 large or 6 small sweet potatoes

½ pint of milk (of your choice)

Handful of fresh parsley and chives chopped

2 oz butter (your choice)

2 leeks

2 handfuls of finely chopped spinach

1 courgette, chopped

25 g plain flour

Seasoning – to taste

200g grated cheese (optional)

To make:


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