Babble Health

Navigating Family Friendly Careers

Planning your career around starting a family? It’s crucial to find family-friendly workplaces that prioritize the needs of working parents.

Whether you’re an individual contemplating parenthood or an employer seeking to better support your employees, family-friendly workplaces can have numerous benefits for everyone involved

Emma Walsh, founder of Parents at Work, Australia’s first dedicated return-to-work service for parents, emphasizes the importance of having upfront conversations with yourself and your partner about your desires and goals. These conversations allow for valuable input from others and can lead to important discussions with leaders, HR teams, and colleagues.

It may feel daunting to discuss your plans for starting a family with your employer

Walsh encourages individuals to find someone to talk to. Speaking up about your needs and aspirations can bring about positive changes in organizational policies. Your voice has the potential to make a significant impact and foster a more supportive work environment.

Recognizing the significance of work-life balance, many workplaces across the country are embracing family-friendly and inclusive policies. These policies empower employees to thrive both personally and professionally, resulting in increased happiness and productivity. QBE Insurance serves as a leading example of a company that not only develops supportive policies and culture internally but also collaborates with organizations like Parents at Work to create family-friendly workplaces.

Catherine McNair, QBE’s head of diversity and inclusion, highlights the company’s efforts to support employees facing serious life changes, such as pregnancy loss. QBE partners with The Pink Elephants Support Network, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing a safe and protective community for those experiencing pregnancy loss. The company extended its full paid parental leave policy to all employees, acknowledging the need for ongoing support during the healing process.

McNair suggests that employers interested in supporting their staff through significant life events should consider partnering with companies offering support, non-profits and advocacy groups to gain valuable insights into best practices

Having the courage to engage in challenging conversations normalizes these discussions and enables people leaders to understand available resources and support options. This, in turn, encourages employees to seek out the assistance they need.

Prioritizing family-friendly workplaces is essential for individuals planning their careers around having a baby

Open conversations, supportive policies, and partnerships with advocacy groups can create a nurturing work environment that values the needs of working parents and promotes overall well-being.

If you are a company considering offering support across reproductive health and parenting, why not book a call with one of our Babble Health team to chat through how we can support you and your team


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