Babble Health

Complementary therapies to help boost your chances when TTC

As you get prepared to start trying to conceive, have you given thought about getting your mind, body, and spirit in tip top shape?

Trying to conceive (TTC) is a different journey for every couple. Some people succeed almost immediately, while others find themselves seeking the help of a fertility specialist. No matter what, it is a time of great stress on your mind and body, and so it is a good idea to ‘get in shape’ for TTC.

Just as if you were preparing to run a marathon, getting in good shape is key and will help you feel your best. If you do succeed in getting pregnant naturally or with IVF/IUI, these tips will also help you have a healthy pregnancy.

Eat the rainbow

Did you know that a diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals can help you succeed when TTC? Have a look through our nutrition section for ideas on recipes, eating plans, and foods to avoid. It’s also a good idea to take a conception vitamin to nourish your body with the right mix of nutrients.

Getting fit for TTC

You certainly don’t have to be model thin to successfully conceive, but studies have shown that having a healthy BMI can help you on your fertility journey. A healthy BMI can also help you avoid gestational diabetes and other health issues in pregnancy and the post-partum period.

Reduce your stress levels

Not only can lower stress levels help to regulate your hormones (essential for conception), being more relaxed can also help you to get in the mood for procreative sex. Try gentle yoga classes, meditation sessions, and regular exercise.

Communicate with your partner

Maintaining open and honest communication with your partner is essential during any fertility journey. Your lovemaking might be less spontaneous and more perfunctory than ever before, and tensions can flare during fertility testing. If you find communication is an issue, or is breaking down, perhaps a consultation or a series of sessions with a relationship counsellor can help bolster your connection for the road ahead.

Set up a robust support system

You might find that the road to conception is rocky and long. If this is the case, you will need a robust support system cheering you on from the side lines. Why not contact others on the same fertility journey as you on TTC buddy, and alert your close friends and family that you might need extra hugs and kindness too.

Treat yourself with kindness and patience

While you can rely on kindness from your circle of friends and family, you should also treat yourself with care. It is natural to blame yourself or look for faults in your body when you are having trouble conceiving. Just remember that you are normal, and deserving of compassion.

Starting on your fertility journey can be both exciting and stressful. Putting these measures into place and following tips included within Babble Prime can help you ride a slightly less rocky rollercoaster.

Good luck and huge love from us all – and remember – you’re not alone.


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