Babble Health

Why fertility testing is so important

If it has been over 6 months if you’re under 35 or 12 months if you’re 35 or over, and you haven’t conceived naturally, it is time to start looking more closely as to why. There may be an underlying issue that needs to be resolved and is preventing pregnancy.

That’s where a Fertility Check-Up can be a game changer. If you’re currently starting out on your TTC journey, it’s always a good idea to schedule a fertility check-up with your GP.

We all need to know and understand our bodies. A Fertility Check-Up basically refers to our fertility profile and how or when we can check it. It is a list of exams that both women and men should go through to clarify their fertility. Obviously, this should be done under the guidance of a specialist, and you need to be proactive. A fertility evaluation should be done even if you aren’t planning on having children just yet.”

Some of these tests include blood tests to measure your egg reserve, scans to assess your uterus and ovaries, and even a hysterosalpingogram test, which evaluates the fallopian tubes for blockages. These tests examine all aspects of your reproductive system. If you have a male partner, their sperm sample will be assessed to measure motility (ability to swim), morphology and overall count.


With this information in hand, you can make smart and informed choices about your fertility future. You might decide to start trying to conceive earlier, or you might choose to freeze eggs or embryos for future implantation. If you’re planning to wait until later in life to start trying to conceive, now’s the time to book your Fertility Check-Up.


The information you learn could make all the difference in the world

Sucess Stories

Understanding your fertility

Haven't met a partner, focussing on your career, not ready to have a family
it is such a great idea to take control of your fertility and understand where you are and what your options are.
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