Order your fertility or menopause test today and take control of your reproductive health. The...
Order your fertility or menopause test today and take control of your reproductive health. The...
It is invaluable to get tested to understand where you stand. Knowledge is power and you can make informed decisions. Doing this will save you time, concern and money.
AMH is secreted by the ovarian follicles, so the higher your level, the more follicles (potential eggs) you’re expected to have.
Progesterone, is an integral part of fertility treatment – a hormone that is produced in your ovaries, and is at its highest during ovulation. Progesterone’s most crucial achievement is that it prepares the endometrium, or uterus lining, for pregnancy. Essentially, it thickens the uterus lining to allow a fertilized egg to implant. Progesterone is an integral part of fertility treatment.
Without enough progesterone during the critical implantation window, the uterine lining may not be receptive to an embryo and pregnancy may not happen. Or, if it does, it may end up in early miscarriage.
You are experiencing irregular periods and you think that polycystic ovaries might be the cause. You are having difficulty getting pregnant and want to rule out or confirm polycystic ovary syndrome
You have symptoms such as acne, weight gain, and hirsuitism (excess hair) and want to investigate your male hormone levels
The menopause is a natural part of ageing that usually occurs between 45 and 55 years of age, as a woman's oestrogen levels decline. In the UK, the average age for a woman to reach the menopause is 51. But around 1 in 100 women experience the menopause before 40 years of age.
Low levels of thyroid hormone can interfere with the release of an egg from your ovary (ovulation), which impairs fertility. In addition, some of the underlying causes of hypothyroidism — such as certain autoimmune or pituitary disorders — may impair fertility. Your thyroid also impacts your weight too.
Undiagnosed thyroid dysfunction can make it difficult to conceive. It can also cause problems during pregnancy itself. Once the over- or under-active thyroid is under control, however, there is no reason why you should not have a successful pregnancy and a healthy baby.
One in six couples are affected by infertility, with 30-40% of those being related to maternal factors. We know much more about infertility than we used to, but around 35% of couples still have no explanation of the underlying problem. However, closer studies of the microbiome may reveal some answers. An increasing number of studies is highlighting a correlation between infertility and the microbiota and scientists are noticing significant differences in microbiome of a fertile vs infertile women.
Microbiome may also play a key role in the success of assisted fertility treatments. In IVF, successful embryo transfer is dependent upon many factors, including the presence of microbiome of the upper genital tract. Some experts argue that the make up of microbiome in the cervix is one of the most significant factors determining IVF success.
This gynecological scan is available to women of a child bearing age and is designed for those undergoing/about to undergo fertility treatment either within the UK or abroad.
Considering a family now or in the future. Wondering if you are menopausal? Whatever age you are, it's always a great idea to find out your fertility status.
Being proactive about your reproductive health is empowering. By taking control, you can save yourself so much time and worry creating better outcomes.
For comprehensive testing, why not book through our clinic partners.
For women and men requiring comprehensive testing to check your reproductive health is optimal. for women its a great idea to check your uterine cavity in case of any potential issues that could be preventing a pregnancy, or causing any issues during peri menopause / menopause. an in-depth test is highly recommended.
Concerned about potential genetic conditions? Genetic testing options will be coming soon.
Being proactive about potential inherited conditions is empowering and comforting allowing you to make informed choices for your future health.
Becoming your own self advocate can save you so much time, worry and money!
No more worrying at home alone. Being proactive about your reproductive health by taking ownership can be so empowering.
At Home Test
Your blood test results will be emailed to you within a few days. You will receive an email notification when your sample has arrived at the laboratory, and another when your results are ready. You will then log into your account to view the results with Doctor’s commentary.
Babble Health are working together with LetsGetChecked to ensure you receive the best possible care
By taking the first steps of home testing, you are taking control of your reproductive health.
No more queues, no more worrying at home alone. It takes minutes to set up a discovery call with an expert to feel empowered and know your next steps.
Whether struggling to conceive, experiencing debilitating menopause symptoms, concerned about potential genetic issues, wondering if you have andropause, feeling emotionally and physically drained, you can act on this with on demand access to experts and support with Babble Health
In Clinic Testing
If you would prefer to have your testing done in one of our partner clinics.
The clinic will be in touch to organise either a virtual or in clinic consultation with one of their leading experts. You will discuss the test results and your next steps.
Learn more about our trusted clinic partners and their experts.
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