Babble Health

Babble Health partners with Medichecks for UK home testing

Learning as much as you can and fully understanding your reproductive health is so vitally important, yet it tends to take a backseat until we need to think about it. But here at Babble Health, we believe in the power of the knowledge surrounding our fertility as early as possible.

Whether you’re considering your future fertility, wishing to start your family soon or struggling to conceive. Testing is paramount to helping you understand what your fertility status is, helping you to make informed decisions on next steps. Perhaps you’re experiencing debilitating menopause symptoms, wanting to be proactive to help manage your perimenopause or perhaps you’re experiencing andropause issues, we’re here to hold your hand throughout and provide expert advice and access to testing and treatments wherever you are with your reproductive health.

Testing in particular can be a nervous time. Who do you do your testing through? What testing do you need? What questions do you even need to ask? What do your results mean? What do you do next? It’s a minefield!

This is why we’ve created Babble Health and we’ve teamed up with Medichecks to provide home testing for reproductive health

We have a lot in common with Medichecks. We both believe that the most important thing is your health. Putting you in the driving seat, with informed decisions and that expert advice and testing is the best way to take back the power of you.

Founded in 2001, Medichecks was the first direct to consumer blood testing company in the UK

Their mantra is to make it easier than ever to understand your body inside and out.

You can purchase anything from Medichecks from basic blood tests to check the health of your thyroid and your cholesterol levels, to hormone profiles and your fertility.

It’s vital that wherever we are in our life, from considering our fertility, to trying for a baby to the perimenopause, menopause and beyond, that we understand what’s going on inside. From that, we can then make informed decisions about our future and make lifestyle changes if we need to.

Our reproductive health does have timelines and testing gives us the power to take control of our health, giving us options!

We’re so excited for the future of Babble Health, especially now that we can offer home testing and bring a feel of empowerment and enabling informed choices.


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