Babble Health

Haddock in Tomato and Basil Sauce (makes 4 servings)

By Sue Bedford (MSc Nutritional Therapy)

Enjoy a quick and easy’ nutritious and delicious’ mid- week meal with this tasty haddock recipe.

Haddock is a white fish and contains exceptionally high levels of iodine, a mineral that helps the thyroid gland secrete hormones. These hormones are essential for growth, development and a variety of metabolic processes in the body. Haddock is also a good source of protein and contains vitamin B12, pyridoxine and selenium.

Tomatoes– are an excellent source of vitamin C – a powerful antioxidant that has many important functions in the body, from immune support, to skin health, in the prevention of blood clots and offering protection from prostate cancer. But when it comes to fertility, alongside the vitamin C (which helps to protect the egg and sperm from oxidative stress caused by free radical damage) tomatoes contain Lycopene. Lycopene is a naturally occurring carotenoid. The main food source of lycopene for many being the tomato. Carotenoids are powerful antioxidants, and provide red, yellow and orange colour to fruit and vegetables. They have an important role in that they protect the cells of the body from damage caused by free radicals.

Aubergines- Low in calories and rich in phytochemicals aubergines provide a selection of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C and K, vitamin B9 (folate), magnesium potassium and calcium -which all provide great health benefits for health and fertility.


400g x 1 can tomatoes or ripe fresh tomatoes chopped

400g haddock

250g aubergine

1 large onions

1 tablespoon olive oil

2 cloves garlic

4-5 leaves fresh basil

2 teaspoons paprika


Heat the olive oil in a large non-stick frying pan and stir-fry the onion and aubergine. After about 4 minutes the vegetables will start to turn golden but won’t be soft yet, so cover with a lid and let the vegetables steam-fry in their own juices for 6 minutes – this helps them to soften without needing to add any extra oil.

Stir in the paprika, garlic and tomatoes and cook for another 8-10 minutes, stirring, until onion and aubergine are tender.

Scatter in the basil leaves then nestle the fish in the sauce, cover the pan and cook for 6-8 minutes until the fish flakes when tested with a knife and the flesh is firm but still moist. Tear over the rest of the basil and serve with chickpeas or a salad and a piece of sourdough bread.




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