Babble Health

Turkey B Boost Nourishment Bowl

By Sue Bedford (MSc Nutritional Therapy)

Boost your B vits along with numerous other key vitamins and minerals needed for health and fertility by making this nutritious and delicious nourishment bowl.

Turkey is a very good source of lean protein and is low in saturated fat. All B complex vitamins are present in turkey meat and these are important for fertility as well as for the mind. Turkey is also an excellent source of selenium, iron, phosphorus and a good source of zinc. Turkey is great for helping to balance out vital hormones too, as it helps to keep post-meal insulin levels balanced out for longer. The great combination of Tryptophan (an amino acid) and B vitamins to be found in turkey has a balancing effect on blood sugar levels which in turn helps to calm the nerves and prevent hypoglycemia and low moods. Turkey is also rich in the important nutrient zinc- a very important mineral for health and fertility.

The brown rice in this nourishment bowl is also a great source of vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6 and B12, along with selenium and magnesium.

Avocados are amazing and are packed with more than 18 nutrients including vitamin B5, B6 and folate. They are also a good source of healthy monounsaturated fats and contain a small amount of carbohydrate so great for helping balance sugar levels.

Tomatoes are a great source of nutrients important for health and fertility including folate, vitamin C and lycopene.

Watercress is wonderful nutritionally and is a member of the cruciferous vegetable family. It is rich in many nutrients including folate,  vitamin C, E and K, calcium, beta-carotene, iron and iodine.

Spinach is an amazing source of folate, vitamin c, vitamin A and iron.

Turkey B Boost Nourishment Bowl


250g Brown or wild rice

80g cooked and warm turkey breast sliced

1 ripe avocado sliced

Handful of watercress leaves

Handful of spinach

1 ripe tomato sliced

For the dressing:

1 tsp finely grated fresh ginger

1tsp olive oil

1 clove garlic, crushed

Finely grated zest and juice ½ lime

How to make:

Cook the brown or wild rice according to instructions.

In a small bowl, mix the garlic, ginger, olive oil and the lime zest and juice to make a dressing. Season to taste.

Transfer the rice to a serving bowl and top with the spinach and watercress and then arrange the sliced turkey, avocado and tomato on top. Drizzle over the dressing to serve. Change vegetables/salad ingredients to suit. Why not sprinkle over some seeds such as sunflower seeds or roasted pine nuts?




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