Babble Health

The TTC Facts


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The information you learn could make all the difference in the world. By taking a menopause test you can make smart and informed choices helping you to understand how to be proactive and manage perimenopause and managing symptoms.

important things you should know

Questions And Answers

If you are under 35 years, you 

Your doctor will ask you questions about your general wellness. They will ask you about your lifestyle (do you smoke or drink, are you stressed, are you eating a healthy diet, are you overweight?). They will ask you about your medical and sexual history. They will ask you how long you have been trying to conceive.

After this initial chat, they may organise some hormone tests or refer you for preliminary tests at a fertility clinic.

If you are not eligible for free treatment (if you are in the UK may be eligible for IVF on the NHS) you will need to choose a fertility clinic that is right for you.

Our blood test can check your hormone levels.

Why not book a free 15 mins discovery call with one of our trusted experts. All you need to do is complete an initial assessment form to help your expert guide you with next steps.

You can book an at home test by visiting here or a full diagnostic test through one of our clinics by visiting here

If you decided to go ahead with fertility treatment, ou need to think about the cost of treatment, the medication, the tests, storage along with the travel and accommodation costs if you are travelling abroad.

Add to that, the fact that no-one can guarantee that your first round of treatment will be successful and the build up of costs can seem incredibly overwhelming.

On average, it can take 3 rounds of IVF to achieve a live birth, so before you say yes to treatment at a clinic, do your research

Make sure you have explored all of your options to see if you can get financial cover from insurers, employers or the NHS if you are in the UK.

There are various options to parenthood through IVF, surrogacy, egg and sperm donation and adoption. Find out more by visiting here.

Once you have spoken with your preferred clinic, they will carry out preliminary tests  

Preliminary tests will look at the way the ovaries function and that ovulation occurs with no problems. 

AMH test (anti-Müllerian hormone). By testing this hormone (with a blood test), it gives the doctor an approximate idea of the amount of viable eggs left in the ovaries of a patient.

Antral follicle – a transvaginal ultrasound that allows your doctor to visually count the number of active egg-containing follicles that are developing on both of your ovaries. With this count, your doctor is able to estimate your total egg count.

There will also be a semen analysis and screening for infectious diseases – HIV, Hep B, Hep C, Chlamydia, and Rubella.

Sexually transmitted diseases can affect fertility and some don’t reveal any symptoms, such as chlamydia. Cystitis and thrush may also cause problems, so make sure you and your partner are tested so you can cross this off the list.

Further tests such as an ultrasound will be organised to ensure there are no other issues such as cysts, PCOS, polyps, fibroids etc

When struggling to conceive, it is important to also check your uterine cavity and ensure that there isn’t an underlying issue that could be preventing a pregnancy. This can be achieved through a scan and/or laparoscopy. 

Ultrasound scan -to check for cysts in the ovaries, fluid within in the fallopian tubes (hydrosalpinges), fibroids in the wall of the uterus, or polyps within the cavity of the uterus.

HyCoSy – an ultrasound scan, used to check the uterus and fallopian tubes. The examination is done by injecting a foamy contrast agent with hypoallergenic action into the uterine cavity and by performing ultrasound monitoring in real-time of the flow of the contrast through the fallopian tubes. If the ultrasound shows that you have a possible blockage, you may be advised to have a laparoscopy.

Laparoscopy – During a laparoscopy, a laparoscope is inserted into the abdomen via a small incision inside your navel. This allows the specialist to see your fallopian tubes clearly on a screen and make the appropriate diagnosis.

Our team of experts are here for you

We have leading experts at hand to offer advice. If you have any questions, get in touch and we will get back to you with their responses. You can also join us for any one of our online expert Q&As. Subscribe to receive updates on these. Why not join our community to share experiences with others who understand by clicking here.


Next Steps When TTC

When struggling to conceive, it can be invaluable to get tested and then have a chat with an expert to discuss next steps. Don't waste time and impact on your emotional wellbeing, diagnosis is really key and can shorten your length of TTC by getting the right support.

Get a Health Check

Take a test to find out what your fertility status is. Once you have received your results, why not chat with one of our experts to discuss next steps.

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If you're wondering what your next steps should be, why not get in touch with one of our experts to help you navigate
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