Babble Health

Anti-inflammatory, Immune Support and Liver Detox Super Beetroot Shot

Sue Bedford (MSc Nutritional Therapy)

Why not try making this shot and benefit from it’s amazing nutrients which aid detoxification, boost energy and help support the immune system.

Beetroot helps the liver’s detoxification processes. Beetroot contains Betacyanin, a powerful antioxidant, which has been shown to reduce Homocysteine levels (a toxic protein that can accumulate in the blood) and supports phase-two detoxification in the liver. Beetroot contains a good amount of the antioxidant Vitamins C and E, along with Iron and Folate.

Fresh lemon juice is also a great detoxifier and helps to support liver enzymes. It is also a fantastic source of the antioxidant vitamin c- helping to zap those free radicals and is a natural antiseptic that helps to kill harmful bacteria.

Kale is a member of the cruciferous family, containing Sulphur and compounds of Sulphur including Sulforaphane and indole 3 carbinol that support liver detoxification….and that’s just for starters!!

Turmeric (as we have mentioned in a previous article) contains a powerful compound called Curcumin which has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Ginger contains antibacterial properties along with anti-inflammatory compounds.

Fresh Apple Juice– packed full of plant chemicals, including the flavonoid quercetin which has anti- inflammatory action. Apples are low in calories, a great source of vitamin c and potassium and also contain pectin, a ‘soluble’ fibre that can help to lower ‘bad’ cholesterol

The combination of these ingredients pack a great nutritional punch that not only help detoxify the liver and reduce inflammation, they are also great for energy levels and supporting the immune system.

What you need to make your Super Beetroot Shot  

(Makes 2 shots – double up as appropriate and keep covered in the fridge).

1 Beetroot (cooked and peeled or ready to go!)

40g of kale

Juice of 1 lemon

½ inch of fresh peeled ginger

½ inch of turmeric root

120ml of fresh apple juice

Place all the ingredients into a juicer and juice well. Store in the fridge in a jug covered and have a shot served in the morning with breakfast! Enjoy!


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