Babble Health

Spice up your life with this sugar balancing and immune supporting festive shot!

By Sue Bedford (MSc Nutritional Therapy)

The combination of the amazing ingredients in this shot pack a great nutritional punch which not only helps to stabilise blood sugar and reduce inflammation, but they are also great for the skin and provide support to the immune system due to their high antioxidant content.

Apples (or fresh apple juice) help support the immune system as they are rich in vitamin c, antioxidants and contain many plant compounds including Quercetin (a great anti -inflammatory). They have a low Glycemic load (GL) and so help to stabilise blood sugar levels – preventing ‘spikes’ from occurring.

Pears are a great source of polyphenol antioxidants – helping to ‘zap’ those free radicals which may lead to oxidative stress and cell damage.  They too have a low Glycemic load (GL) and so help to stabilise blood sugar levels. They are low in calories and are a great source of folate, vitamin C, copper, and potassium.

Ginger is great in shots as it provides a powerful kick, but is also linked to helping alleviate gastrointestinal issues, plays a role in reducing inflammation in the body, supports the immune system, rejuvenates skin and increases energy levels. It also contains anti- microbial properties. Ginger contains many important nutrients and vitamins including vitamin C, B5 and B6, along with a good amount of the mineral’s potassium, manganese, copper, and magnesium.

Fresh orange juice is fantastic nutritionally as it contains plenty of vitamin C, vitamin D,  folate, potassium and thiamine (vitamin B1). It also keeps you hydrated and is great for supporting the immune system.

Cinnamon is a warming spice which helps to stabilise glucose and triglyceride levels in the blood. It acts as a fantastic antiseptic and a powerful antioxidant which also helps to reduce inflammation in the body.

Ingredients (Makes 2 shots – double up as appropriate and keep covered in the fridge)

  • 2 pears peeled, destalked and sliced
  • 1inch fresh ginger root, crushed
  • 1 pinch of cinnamon
  • 1 fresh orange juiced
  • 50 ml of fresh apple juice or 1 fresh apple juiced

To make:

Place all of the ingredients into a juicer and juice well. Store in the fridge in a jug covered and have a shot served in the morning with breakfast! Enjoy!


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