Babble Health

Turmeric scrambled egg with spinach and avocado

By Sue Bedford (MSc Nutritional Therapy)

Turmeric contains important properties which fight inflammation and is a powerful antioxidant. Eggs are packed full of many vital nutrients and are extremely versatile. They are an excellent source of choline (which studies have shown can have significant positive effects on foetal brain development that may have a long-lasting influence into adult life). Consuming eggs helps in the management of PCOS – they are a good source of protein and so help to balance blood sugar levels, and as many women with this condition have low vitamin D levels eggs are a good source of this vital nutrient. Spinach is an amazing source of folate, vitamin c, vitamin A and iron.  Avocados are amazing – providing over 18 vital nutrients and are a source of monounsaturated (healthy fat) and omega 3 too. What an amazing combination of fertility supporting foods!

This is great as a breakfast, brunch or lunch and also for balancing those blood sugar levels, as whenever protein is consumed with carbohydrate in a meal it slows down the release of sugar into the blood stream and so prevents those sugar spikes!

What you need (makes 2 portions)

1 ripe avocado
1  tsp coconut oil
2 handfuls of washed spinach
2 tsp grated turmeric
1 clove of fresh garlic- crushed
4 free range eggs
50 ml coconut milk

To make

Whisk the eggs in a bowl using a fork with the turmeric and coconut milk

Pour the coconut oil into a pan and heat slowly. Lightly cook the garlic and add the spinach leaves with a splash of water.

Add the whisked egg mixture to the pan and stir for around 7 minutes until the eggs are at the desired consistency.

Serve on a slice of  sourdough or seeded brown bread with half a sliced avocado. Season to taste.






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