Babble Health

Pineapple Paneer kebabs

By Sue Bedford (MSc Nutritional Therapy)

Spice up your mid -week meals with this nutritious and delicious tasty recipe.

Paneer (cottage cheese) is loaded with the goodness of healthy fats and milk proteins, which makes paneer a great source of nutrition for healthy bones, teeth and skin. Pineapple is a good source of  vitamin c, manganese and iodine too.  Pineapples contain the anti-inflammatory enzyme Bromelain important for conditions such as Endometriosis. Bromelain has an anticoagulant effect – so great for blood flow too. In studies the high manganese content found in pineapple has been linked to improving sperm motility.

Did you know?

A pineapple is a fruit made up of several berries that have grown together, rather than a pine or an apple. This also means that pineapples are a set of berries that have fused together rather than a single fruit.

Pineapples are naturally high in fibre, which is an essential part of a balanced diet and can aid digestion. Pineapples are also rich in manganese, calcium, vitamins A and C, and folate, as well as other vitamins and minerals important to health and fertility.

Makes 8 kebabs

40g fresh ginger finely chopped

1tsp paprika

180g natural yoghurt

600g paneer cut into cubes

1 pineapple (cubed)

1 tsp of chilli flakes

2 tsp black pepper

2 tsp cumin

2 green peppers chopped into rough squares

2 yellow peppers chopped into rough squares

2 red onions chopped

1 lime chopped

Place the yoghurt into a mixing bowl and stir in the spices and garlic. Place the paneer into the yoghurt mixture and cover using a spoon. Thread the pineapple, peppers, onion and paneer alternating each, onto a skewer. Place into a preheated oven of 180 degrees for around 20 minutes (check to see when cooked), or grill. Squeeze some lime juice over and enjoy with a salad. These are also great on the BBQ!





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